July 29



There is no doubt that many people have started or considered starting their own businesses to make ends meet as a direct result of companies laying off employees due to the COVID 19 scare. This is noticeable when we see phrases like “how to start a business” and related keywords appear under the top ten business keywords searched for on the major search engines. In this article, we will at which are the top ten most interesting businesses for 2021 that people are searching for according to Mondovo.

10. Dog Walking Business

Although this business model is not very popular in South Africa, this is actually a very successful business idea in Europe and the United States. This business idea is ranked number 121 on business keywords and number 10 on our list of businesses people are most interested in starting.

9. Food Business

There is no doubt that anything to do with food will be a success – worldwide – people need to eat. Therefore, people are looking to put their cooking skills to work by starting restaurants, fast-food restaurants (takeout / takeaways), home delivery restaurants, etc. This business is ranked number 119 on the business keyword lists and number nine on our list of most interesting businesses.

8. Landscaping Business

With people working from home, they spend more and more time and money on spicing their house up. It has after all, been their temporary office for the past year or so. Therefore, people start this type of business to fulfil the increased demand. This business ranked keyword is ranked number 104 on the business keywords lists and number eight on our list of most interesting businesses.

7. Home Business

Although this is not a particular business model, people are definitely looking to put their skills to work from home and they are desperately looking for ideas. This business ranked keyword is ranked number 93 on the business keyword lists and number seven on our list of most interesting businesses.

6. T-Shirt Business

This is possibly one of the business ideas almost anyone can do from home. The design of T-shirts can be done from anywhere and it is a very popular business idea all across the world. This keyword search is ranked number 80 on the business keyword lists and number six on our list of most interesting businesses.

5. Consulting Business

A consulting business requires some education to start. This business plan can also be done from home. This business keyword is ranked number 69 on the business keyword lists and number five on our list of most interesting businesses.

4. Catering Business

This business idea can probably be linked with our number nine ranked business idea, how to start a food business. This business plan might be possible from home, although it is more likely that something like a workshop will be needed for bigger equipment. This keyword search is ranked number 62 on the business keyword lists and number four on our list of most interesting businesses.

3. Clothing Business

Interest in the closing industry is also increasing in popularity with people who looking to start their own businesses. This type of business ranges from individuals making and selling clothes from their home to a proper clothing retail store – offline or online. This business keyword is ranked number 60 on the business keyword lists and number three on our list of most interesting businesses.

2. Photography Business

With the advances we have in technology today, almost anyone can become a photographer, although some are better at it than others. This business can be run from literally anywhere in the world and is also a successful business model across the world. This business keyword search is ranked number 46 on the business keyword lists and number two on our list of most interesting businesses.

1. Cleaning Business

The business which draws the biggest attention thus far is the cleaning industry. People want to start cleaning companies. This might be in anticipation of a bigger demand for cleaning workplaces due to COVID, even though the workplace is now more likely to be the homes of employees. People interested in this business might also be trying to grab the opportunity to make money by sanitising contaminated places, such as schools, offices, gymnasiums, and malls. This business keyword search is ranked number 20 on the business keyword lists and number one on our list of most interesting businesses.

In Conclusion

From our top ten list of most interesting businesses for 2021, we can derive to the following conclusions:

More people are looking to work from home.
Most of the businesses require little to no education, suggesting that unskilled labour got hit the hardest by this pandemic.
People are starting to think out of the box, and about starting their own businesses to make the best of the pandemic.

It is very interesting to observe to what extent this list differs from the most in-demand job skills in South Africa.



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